Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blog 6 "Mental Health is the issue"

In “Technological advancement” blog post 5, Robert talks about how he thinks mental issue is the main reason why gun violence is increasing in America. I couldn't agree more with what Robert had to say about the mental illness and how “Better mental health is essential and must become the next main focus for government in order to make peace a foreseeable future.”
            I myself think someone who is mentally ill may be unable to make logical decisions and the perception they receive of reality may be tainted by the illness they have. Recent studies have found that the likelihood for committing violence is greater for people with a major mental disorder than for those without. Moreover, new data suggest that more than half of the nearly hundred massive shootings that have taken place in the United States since 1900 were carried out by people either diagnosed with a mental disorder or with demonstrable signs of serious mental illness prior to the attack. I believe Gun laws pertaining to those suffering from mental illness should be more restrictive or else, gun violence will continue to happen. 
            While mass shootings often stir considerable controversy and debate about issues like gun control and mental health, gun violence is a severe public health crisis that is often poorly addressed. In order to find a solutions we need to invest a lot more research into understanding the causes of the problem and developing evidence-based policy solution to it. Until both sides of the debate  take mental illness serious, none of our present policies or ideas will do even little to stem the rising tide of gun violence in this country.


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Blog 6 "Mental Health is the issue"

In “Technological advancement” blog post 5, Robert talks about how he thinks mental issue is the main reason why gun violence is increasing...