Friday, May 11, 2018

Blog 7 "legalizing marijuana"

Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial and intrusive issue in our society today. Although many have made malicious remarks about it in the past, and even still in the present, the truth and beneficial facts of marijuana are finally resurfacing. Unfortunately , our society has become a very critical crowd toward the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered “pot smokers.” this contorted perception of a lazy and unmotivated America is the logic behind keeping marijuana unattainable to our citizens. While carefully examined by many people all around the world, the benefits of using marijuana easily outweigh the disadvantages of the plant. Although many argue that the it can lead to further drug use, the plant has showed nothing but leverage to people who have serious illness and chronic pain. The legalization of marijuana would be tremendously beneficial to all types of people in America.
Today, thousands of patients are able to use marijuana as an effective method of treatment for symptoms of certain ailments. Some studies have shown results that the benefits of using marijuana for medicinal reasons far outweigh the negative health matters that may be associated with its use, and therefore should be an accepted method of treatment for some patients who are suffering with illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS, and eating disorders. This is possible because fourteen state governments across our country have acknowledged the effective healing properties of the plant and have legalized its consumption for medicinal purposes with the consent of a licensed physician. If marijuana could stop one of your family members from being in pain, why wouldn’t you want them to have it?
From an economic perspective, there would be numerous benefits to legalizing marijuana. Not only will the economic impact of legalization of marijuana help save the government on law enforcement expenses, but it will also encompass the possibility of large sums of revenue from the market supply and demand of the newly legalized product, generating an impressive profit from sales tax. As a new industry emerges within the workforce, desperately needed employment opportunities will arise across the country, stimulating the economy by initially providing thousands of  new jobs.
Illegal drug sales trafficking is one of the greatest sources of income for organized crime, and will continue to be so as long as they remain in control of the drug market. By legalizing and regulating the sale of marijuana, this income stream for organized crime would be heavily be impacted. Once legalized, there will be plenty of legal producers and suppliers, which would result in the price per unit of marijuana to dip significantly.
    All in all, marijuana should be legalized and the policy should be changed immediately. There is too much good to come from this policy changed not to do it. Marijuana can clearly help make this country better for the people in many ways. Health being the most obvious but as well as boosting the economy and helping drop crime rates/illegal trafficking

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